Monday, September 27, 2010

Avocado & Tomato Salad

This is a really quick and delicious staple, my grandmothers serve this with almost every meal!

Prep time: 10 minutes
Serves: 3-4 people

1 medium/large avocado
1 large tomato
Olive Oil

  1. Slice avocado and cut into smaller bite-sized pieces
  2. Slice the tomato the same way
  3. Place the avocado and tomato in the serving dish, lightly drizzle Olive Oil and Vinegar
  4. Salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Arroz con frijoles negros (Black Beans and Rice)


Start to finish: 1 hour
Serves about 5-6 people

2 cans of Black Beans
1/2 onion (White or Spanish onions)
3 garlic cloves
1 green pepper
Olive Oil (Extra Virgin)
Green Olives
3 Bay Leaves

  1. In a pot, pour in about 1/4 cup of Olive Oil. It's not an exact measurement, but you want the Olive Oil to completely coat the bottom of the pan. On low/medium heat chop up your onion, green pepper and garlic cloves and put it in the pot. Add salt, pepper and oregano to your liking.
  2. Once the peppers and onions are tender, add the 2 cans of Black Beans. For each can, fill up the empty can of beans with water and pour that into the mixture.
  3. Add the Bay Leaves, Green Olives and some of the olive juice. If you don't have olive juice, you can substitute that with white vinegar... An ounce of this should be fine (a shot glass full or 1/4 cup will be fine) The olive juice/vinegar will help break down the beans and make them tender.
  4. Stir the mixture every few minutes, until it comes to a boil. When it starts to boil, turn the temp down to low, continuing to stir it every few minutes. Try to keep it covered, but if you can't don't worry about it. 
  5. Once it starts to simmer, the soup will thicken. Do a taste test, add more salt and green olives to your liking.
  6. While the beans are simmering, cook the rice. :-)
  7. Once the rice is done, serve and enjoy!